Pan Seared Scallops with Parmesan Polenta

Elevate your dining experience with our exquisite Pan Seared Scallops with Parmesan Polenta recipe. Savor perfectly seared scallops atop creamy Parmesan polenta, harmonizing textures and flavors.

Elevate your dining experience with our exquisite Pan Seared Scallops with Parmesan Polenta recipe. Savor perfectly seared scallops atop creamy Parmesan polenta, harmonizing textures and flavors.

Dive into a symphony of flavors and textures with our Pan Seared Scallops on a velvety bed of Parmesan Polenta – a culinary tango that will leave your taste buds dancing! 🍽️

Picture this: perfectly seared scallops, their golden exteriors concealing tender interiors that practically melt on your tongue. Each bite is a delicate serenade of the sea, infused with a hint of pan-seared magic that only culinary wizards can conjure.

And then, there’s the polenta – a luxurious canvas of creamy Parmesan goodness, a harmonious blend of comfort and elegance. Imagine your fork gliding through the luscious embrace of this savory masterpiece, the flavors enveloping your senses like a warm embrace on a chilly evening.

But wait, there’s more to this culinary masterpiece! As you savor each bite, the scallops and polenta perform a culinary duet – the briny sweetness of the scallops is expertly balanced by the rich and nutty notes of the Parmesan. It’s a dance of contrasts that culminates in a crescendo of culinary delight.

Garnished with a sprinkle of fresh herbs, these pan seared scallops on Parmesan polenta are more than just a dish; they’re a gourmet performance that transforms your dining table into a stage for your palate’s pleasure. So grab your fork and let the taste sensations twirl and swirl, because this dish is a ticket to a gastronomic ballet you won’t want to miss!

Ingredients for Pan Seared Scallops on Parmesan Polenta

In combination, these ingredients create a symphony of tastes and textures. The olive oil sears the scallops to perfection, the lemon juice brightens the dish, salt, and pepper season the components, the polenta offers a comforting base, and the Parmesan cheese enriches every bite. Together, they culminate in a well-balanced, mouthwatering dish that delights the palate.

  • Olive Oil: Olive oil serves as a cooking medium for searing the scallops. Its high smoke point prevents burning and imparts a subtle flavor to the dish. It aids in achieving that perfect golden crust on the scallops.
  • Scallops: Scallops are the star ingredient, providing a delicate, sweet flavor and tender texture. Their size dictates the cooking time, ensuring they are cooked evenly and maintaining their moistness.
  • Fresh Lemon Juice: Lemon juice adds brightness and acidity to balance the richness of the scallops and polenta. Its tangy essence complements the sea flavors of the scallops and provides a refreshing contrast.
  • Sea Salt and Freshly Ground Black Pepper: These seasonings enhance the natural flavors of the dish. Sea salt adds salinity while black pepper contributes a mild heat, elevating the taste profile of the scallops and polenta.
  • Polenta: Polenta serves as a comforting base for the dish. Its creamy texture complements the scallops, providing a neutral canvas that highlights their flavors and absorbs the delicious sauces.
  • Parmesan Cheese: Parmesan cheese enriches the polenta with a nutty and savory note. Its umami flavor enhances the overall taste experience, melding seamlessly with the scallops and providing a satisfying depth of flavor. The cheese also contributes to the creaminess of the polenta.

How to Make

Making pan seared scallops with Parmesan polenta can be relatively easy, especially if you have some experience in the kitchen. The difficulty level can vary based on your cooking skills and comfort level.

  1. Lay the scallops out and pat dry with paper towels. Season one side with salt and pepper.
  2. Heat a large non-stick frying pan over high heat until smoking hot, then add 1 tablespoon of olive oil.
  3. Add the scallops clockwise, one by one, seasoned side down, then sear for 1– 2 minutes until golden brown. Season the unseasoned side of the scallops, then flip them over in the same order you placed them in the pan and repeat the process. Squeeze the lemon juice over the scallops while they are still in the pan.
  4. When the scallops are cooked, remove the contents of the pan onto a plate lined with paper towels. This stops the cooking process, and the paper towels absorb the excess oil.

Why this Recipe Works

Overall, the recipe works due to its thoughtful combination of flavors, textures, and cooking methods, making it a standout choice for a special occasion or a delightful homemade gourmet meal.

  1. Balanced Flavors: The sweet and delicate flavor of the scallops is balanced by the creamy and slightly savory Parmesan polenta. The acidity from the lemon juice adds a refreshing contrast, and the seasoning with salt and black pepper enhances all the flavors.
  2. Cooking Techniques: Searing the scallops quickly at high heat creates a golden, caramelized crust while keeping the interior tender. The polenta is cooked to a creamy consistency, providing a smooth base for the scallops.
  3. Ingredient Quality: The use of high-quality ingredients, like fresh scallops, real Parmesan cheese, and aromatic lemon juice, contributes to the overall deliciousness of the dish.
  4. Customizable Portions: The recipe offers flexibility by allowing for the choice between large or small scallops and adjusting the amount of Parmesan cheese according to preference.
  5. Elevated Home Cooking: This dish offers an opportunity to create a restaurant-quality meal at home, impressing both guests and family members.

Recipe Tips and Kitchen Tricks:

For the Scallops:

  1. Dry the Scallops: Ensure the scallops are completely dry before searing. Excess moisture can prevent a good sear.
  2. Hot Pan: Use a hot skillet for searing. A hot pan helps create that coveted caramelized crust.
  3. Don’t Overcrowd: Give each scallop enough space in the pan. Overcrowding can lead to steaming instead of searing.
  4. Timing: Scallops cook quickly. Aim for 2-3 minutes per side, depending on size, to achieve a golden crust and tender interior.
  5. Avoid Flipping: Only flip the scallops once. Let them develop a crust before turning.
  6. Butter and Oil: A combination of butter and oil provides flavor and prevents the butter from burning.

For the Parmesan Polenta:

  1. Stir Constantly: While preparing polenta, stir constantly to prevent lumps and ensure even cooking.
  2. Gradual Cornmeal Addition: Add cornmeal to the boiling water in a slow, steady stream while whisking. This prevents clumps from forming.
  3. Smooth Texture: Aim for a creamy and smooth texture. If it thickens too quickly, add a bit more water or broth.
  4. Season at the End: Taste and adjust seasoning at the end of cooking. Parmesan cheese adds saltiness, so adjust salt accordingly.

Recipe Variations:

  • Citrus-Infused Polenta: Add zest from the lemon before juicing it, and incorporate orange or grapefruit zest for an extra layer of citrus aroma and flavor to the polenta.
  • Herb-Infused Oil: Infuse the olive oil with herbs like thyme, rosemary, or basil by gently heating the oil with the herbs before searing the scallops. This adds a fragrant herbal note to the dish.
  • Creamy Wine Reduction: Instead of lemon juice, deglaze the pan with a splash of dry white wine after searing the scallops. Let it reduce slightly before finishing with a knob of butter for a luxurious sauce.
  • Truffle Oil Drizzle: Add a drizzle of truffle oil to the finished dish for a touch of luxurious earthiness.
  • Spiced Polenta: Incorporate your favorite spices, like smoked paprika or cayenne pepper, into the polenta for a bit of heat and depth of flavor.
  • Herbed Butter: Prepare herbed compound butter by mixing minced fresh herbs (such as parsley, chives, or tarragon) into softened butter. Top the scallops with a small pat of this butter as they rest.

Serving Suggestions

  1. Plating Presentation:
    • Place a generous scoop of creamy Parmesan polenta in the center of each plate.
    • Arrange the pan-seared scallops neatly on top of the polenta.
  2. Garnishes:
    • Sprinkle chopped fresh parsley, chives, or microgreens over the scallops for a burst of color and flavor.
    • A drizzle of high-quality extra-virgin olive oil around the plate can add a glossy finish.
  3. Sauce or Reduction:
    • Create a flavorful sauce to drizzle over the scallops and polenta. A simple lemon butter sauce or a white wine reduction with herbs complements the dish well.
  4. Texture and Contrast:
    • Consider adding a crunchy element, like toasted pine nuts or crispy prosciutto crumbles, for an interesting textural contrast.

Storing, freezing, and reheating instructions

Remember that while reheating can be convenient, the quality of the dish might not be exactly the same as when freshly prepared. Try to plan portion sizes that minimize leftovers, and if you’re preparing a meal in advance, focus on making components that reheat well to maintain the best flavor and texture.


  1. Scallops: If you have leftover pan-seared scallops, store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Make sure to separate them with parchment paper [paid link] or plastic wrap to prevent sticking.
  2. Parmesan Polenta: Store any leftover polenta in a separate airtight container. If the polenta thickens upon refrigeration, you can add a little bit of water or milk while reheating to achieve the desired consistency.


Freezing pan-seared scallops can compromise their texture, but Parmesan polenta can be frozen successfully.

  1. Scallops: If you must freeze the scallops, place them on a baking sheet in a single layer and freeze until firm. Then transfer them to an airtight container or freezer-safe bag. Use them within a month for the best quality.
  2. Parmesan Polenta: Allow the polenta to cool completely before freezing. Portion it into individual servings and wrap it tightly with plastic wrap or aluminum foil. Place the wrapped portions in a freezer-safe bag or container. Frozen polenta can be stored for up to 3 months.


  1. Scallops: Reheating cooked scallops can be tricky as they tend to become tough when overcooked. If you need to reheat them, follow these steps:
    • Gently warm a non-stick skillet over medium-low heat.
    • Add a touch of butter or oil to the skillet.
    • Place the scallops in the skillet and cook briefly, just until heated through. Be very careful not to overcook them; they should still be tender and slightly translucent in the center.
  2. Parmesan Polenta: Reheating polenta is relatively straightforward:
    • Place the polenta in a saucepan [paid link] and add a splash of water, milk, or broth to loosen it.
    • Heat over medium-low heat, stirring constantly, until the polenta is heated through and smooth. You may need to add more liquid if it has thickened significantly.

Important Notes:

  • Always defrost frozen items in the refrigerator before reheating.
  • Use a microwave to reheat polenta, if desired. Reheat in short intervals, stirring in between, to ensure even heating.
  • When reheating scallops, be cautious not to overcook them, as they can quickly become rubbery and lose their delicate texture.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Remember that cooking scallops takes practice to achieve the perfect sear and texture. Don’t be discouraged if your first attempts aren’t perfect – with some patience and experimentation, you’ll soon master the art of pan seared scallops!

  1. How do I choose fresh scallops at the store or seafood market?
  • Look for scallops that are firm, moist, and slightly translucent. Avoid scallops that appear dry, discolored, or have a strong fishy odor.

2. What’s the best way to thaw frozen scallops?

  • Ideally, thaw frozen scallops in the refrigerator overnight. If you need them to thaw more quickly, place them in a sealed plastic bag and submerge the bag in cold water. Change the water every 30 minutes until they’re thawed.

3. How do I achieve a nice sear on scallops?

  • Ensure the scallops are dry before searing. Pat them dry with paper towels to remove excess moisture. Use a hot skillet and a small amount of high-heat cooking oil (like vegetable or grapeseed oil). Place the scallops in the skillet without crowding them and avoid moving them around too much to allow a crust to form.

4. What’s the recommended cooking time for scallops?

  • Cooking times can vary based on the size of the scallops and the heat of the pan. Generally, medium-sized scallops (about 1 inch in diameter) will take about 2-3 minutes per side for a golden sear and tender interior.

5. How do I know when scallops are done cooking?

  • Scallops are done when they turn opaque and are firm to the touch. Be careful not to overcook them, as they can become tough and rubbery. If you cut into a scallop, it should be slightly translucent in the center.

Wine & Cocktail Pairings

  1. Chardonnay:
    • Chardonnay’s buttery and oaky notes pair well with dishes like creamy pasta, buttery seafood (like lobster or crab), and roasted chicken.
    • Try it with pan-seared scallops served over a bed of risotto.
  2. Pinot Noir:
    • The light and fruity profile of Pinot Noir complements dishes like roasted pork, grilled salmon, and mushroom-based dishes.
    • It can enhance the flavors of a seared duck breast with a berry reduction sauce.
  3. Sauvignon Blanc:
    • Sauvignon Blanc’s crisp acidity works with light and tangy dishes such as salads, grilled vegetables, and seafood ceviche.
    • Pair it with a citrusy shrimp cocktail for a refreshing combination.

Cocktail Pairings:

  1. Margarita:
    • The bright and zesty flavors of a margarita work well with spicy dishes like tacos, nachos, and grilled meats.
    • Enjoy a classic margarita with guacamole and salsa.
  2. Martini:
    • The clean and sophisticated profile of a martini complements appetizers like oysters, shrimp, and caviar.
    • Sip on a gin or vodka martini with a plate of chilled seafood.
  3. Mojito:
    • The refreshing mint and lime flavors in a mojito go hand in hand with lighter fare like salads, ceviche, and grilled fish.
    • Pair a mojito with a tropical fruit skewer for a balanced blend of flavors.
Perfectly Pan Seared Scallops on Parmesan Polenta have golden brown edges and are sweet, tender and delicious!

Pan Seared Scallops on Parmesan Polenta

Ronda Eagle | Kitchen Dreaming
Perfectly Pan Seared Scallops on Parmesan Polenta have golden brown edges and are sweet, tender and delicious!
4.50 from 2 votes
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 4 minutes
Total Time 9 minutes
Course Appetizer
Cuisine American
Servings 2 servings
Calories 210 kcal


  • 1 tbsp Olive oil
  • 6 large scallops or 10 to 12 small scallops , cleaned and patted dry of any water
  • Juice of ½ lemon
  • Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • Polenta , prepared per the package instructions
  • 1/4 to 1/2 cup of parmesan cheese


  • Lay the scallops out and pat dry with paper towels. Season one side with salt and pepper.
  • Heat a large non-stick frying pan over a high heat until smoking hot, then add 1 tablespoon of olive oil.
  • Add the scallops clockwise, one by one, seasoned side down, then sear for 1– 2 minutes until golden brown. Season the unseasoned side of the scallops, then flip them over in the same order you placed them in the pan and repeat the process. Squeeze the lemon juice over the scallops while they are still in the pan.
  • When the scallops are cooked, remove the contents of the pan onto a plate lined with paper towels. This stops the cooking process, and the paper towels absorb the excess oil.


nutrition information is based on 2 cups of polenta total.


Serving: 1halfCalories: 210kcalCarbohydrates: 12gProtein: 16gFat: 11gSaturated Fat: 3gCholesterol: 29mgSodium: 534mgPotassium: 174mgFiber: 1gSugar: 1gVitamin A: 98IUVitamin C: 5mgVitamin E: 1mgVitamin K: 4µgCalcium: 153mgFolate: 16µgIron: 1mgZinc: 1mg
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3 thoughts on “Pan Seared Scallops with Parmesan Polenta”

  1. Great easy recipe.Family had happy bellies and smiles on their face. Your recipes are very interesting and seem to be not very labor intensive which is important for me. I wanna cook them all. Thanks

  2. first off – sweet scallops YUM. Now add that to parmesan polenta? I didn;t think I’d care for seafood paired with cheese but I have to say I was pleasantly surprised!

  3. Your scallops are beautifully cooked and I bet go great with the creamy polenta. Looks delicious!


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